Other Employment and Service Provision Resources


GIRES has developed an e-learning resource, Transgender Awareness for Employers & Service Providers, on transgender issues for use by private sector organisations and public authorities. It is grateful for the funding that the Department for Communities and Local Government committed to support this valuable initiative. The resource has been used very successfully by all 5,000 staff in the DVLA.

Monitoring Gender Diversity

Public authorities in England, and those contracted to provide services on their behalf, are required to undertake the specific duties that arise from the Equality Act (2010). These include publishing relevant information about employees and service users who are protected by the gender reassignment characteristic. To help with this, GIRES has published GIRES Monitoring Questions Guidance August 2023  (PDF, 214 KB).

EHRC Study

Findings of a study, Public bodies and the public sector duties relating to transsexual and transgender people (PDF, 754KB), undertaken for EHRC, based on an analysis of 36 telephone interviews with, and 60 online survey responses from, a cross-section of English, Scottish and Welsh public bodies. The participants represent a snapshot of a variety of public bodies from a range of sectors and geographical areas, rather than a scientifically chosen, statistically representative sample. In order to identify good practice examples, public bodies were also targeted who were known to have taken an interest in transgender work.

The phone interviews and online survey responses confirm that there is considerable confusion among public sector staff about the appropriate use of trans terminology. It is arguable that uncertainty over appropriate terminology is suggestive of a more fundamental gap in knowledge and understanding of the many different gender identities that fall under the transgender umbrella and the full breadth of issues faced by different trans people.

These gaps are also evident in the many misunderstandings about the scope of their duties (particularly in context of changed duties and in how to incorporate human rights) and the lack of consensus about the best way to incorporate trans equality in schemes.

Dealing with trans people: Getting it Right

A video produced by Blackpool Council – We talked to 12 transgender people about their experiences in work, education and life in general, and came up with some suggestions for how improvements could be made by tutors and other professionals and frontline services.

Providing services for transgender customers: A guide

26th November 2015

Released by the Government Equalities Office, this guidance, providing services for transgender customers (PDF), is intended to help organisations ensure transgender people are welcomed, included and valued as customers, clients, users or members, and to ensure they are treated fairly and appropriately. It also aims to help organisations comply with the law.

Recruiting and retaining transgender staff: a guide for employers

26th November 2015

Released by the Government Equalities Office, this guidance, recruiting and retaining transgender staff (PDF), is designed to provide employers with practical advice, suggestions and ideas on the recruitment and retention of transgender employees and potential employees. It is also a useful guide for the managers of trans staff and for trans staff themselves. It also aims to help employers comply with the law.

The Workplace and Gender Reassignment: A Guide for Staff and Managers

November 2013

Guidance by a:gender for the Civil service and and public sector organisations

Document: The Workplace and Gender Reassignment (PDF)

Webpage Originally Published: 2014-09-01