Information for Educators

Follow the links below to view our available resources on Gender Development specifically designed for educators. Please contact GIRES directly if the material provided doesn’t suit your circumstances, and we will design something specifically for your situation. Law and good practice for the transition of a member of staff GIRES has produced a factsheet summary

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Penguin Land Book

GIRES has produced hard copies of their popular Penguin Land children’s stories. These will help teachers and parents to provide a gentle introduction to gender diversity. There are three in the set, describing the experiences of a boy penguin, girl penguin and a non-binary penguin. They are available in beautifully-presented glossy-cover paperback books. GIRES provides

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Classroom Lesson Plans

Welcome to the classroom lesson plans section. This section offers you a series of lesson plans and supporting slides to enable you to include the trans experience through a variety of lesson plans in all key stages. The Penguin Stories Lesson Plan for the Penguin Land Books: Gender Diversity for Nursery and Primary School Children Age:

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