
Here you will find information from the field of work that GIRES has been involved with since the start of the organisation. The information will be of interest to many specific areas of people, from people that may be transgender and/or of non conforming gender, medical professionals, members within the public and private sector and those who seek to obtain greater knowledge in their various work roles. The areas of work are listed with a brief description below with links to the different sections in the main menu and in the sidebar to the right.


TranzWiki is a companion website to GIRES and attempts to be a comprehensive directory of the groups campaigning for, supporting or assisting trans and gender non-conforming individuals, including those who are non-binary and non-gender, as well as their families across the UK. It has been developed by GIRES to support the trans community but its content is determined by a broad range of stakeholders. Some groups may appear in one or more subdivisions.

From Youth groups and support groups to organisations that can help provide advice and assistance such as housing or support with domestic violence. People have many reasons for contacting support groups. Some of them may be the victim of a crime related to their being transgender and need to know who to turn to for support.

You will find a direct link to TranzWiki on the navigation bar.


Education Resources

Information for educators and people within the area of education, including guidance on combating transphobic bullying in schools. Summary of law and good practice for transition of both Teachers and Pupils in school. Classroom lesson plans.


Employment Resources

Legal protection and good practice for gender variant and transgender people in the workplace, Resources for Private and Public Sector organisations. Handling Telephone Calls, Information on Prevalence and Incidence, Information for people in the armed forces.


Faith Resources

A Road Map to Inclusion – Supporting Trans People of Faith

A landmark UK publication with practical tips, guidance, and resources dedicated to supporting trans people of faith across all sectors and communities.


Health Resources

Articles related to gender variant youngsters, caring for gender Variant youngsters and adults, Information for medical professionals, Department of Health literature project, endocrinology, Consent Forms, Trans Health Factsheets.


Law Resources

Court Information for Trans Parents, Information around state pensions and trans people. How to change your documentation upon gender transition. The Gender Recognition Act. The Gender Recognition Panel and how to obtain your Gender Recognition Certificate.


Research Resources

Atypical gender development, Etiology in Adults, Challenging “Autogynephilia”, Information on Prevalence and Incidence, Exogenous factors. The GIRES Annual Research Awards. Travel bursaries for clinicians


Support Resources

Supporting trans and non-binary people and their families, including explaining to children, caring for gender variant young people, the National Trans Youth Network, ways to make your youth group a safe and welcoming place for young transgender people, supporting BAME trans people, Stop Online Abuse, the National Hate Crime partnership, Video Resources and Supporting The Families of Adults Experiencing Gender Discomfort.