The Gender Recognition Act Discussion (July 2019)

In 2016 the Women and Equalities Select Committee heard evidence from trans, non-binary and non-gender people who are directly affected by the shortcomings of the Gender Recognition Act 2004 (GRA). In its day the GRA, and the access it provided to a new birth certificate, was considered ground-breaking, but the world has moved on. Now,

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Legal Recognition for Transgender Children

Presented by GIRES and Trans Equality Legal Initiative. Background: The government has launched a consultation on proposed reforms to the 2004 Gender Recognition Act (GRA). The current legislation allows transgender adults (under certain circumstances) to change their birth certificate to accurately reflect their gender identity. Transgender children: The 2004 GRA denies trans children any route

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The EHRC Adviser Support Service

The EHRC Adviser Support service is now available! The Equality and Human Rights Commission is providing a service for advisers and those who support individuals with their problems. Do you want the chance to talk through a case involving equality or human rights issues? Experts at EHRC Adviser support are here to assist, through a

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WPATH Identity Recognition Statement

The World Professional Association for Transgender Health (WPATH) recognizes that, for optimal physical and mental health, persons must be able to freely express their gender identity, whether or not that identity conforms to the expectations of others. WPATH further recognizes the right of all people to identity documents consistent with their gender identity, including those

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Essential Law Guidance

Gender Recognition Act 2004 This Act of Parliament allows trans people to apply for a full Gender Recognition Certificate (GRC) which changes their legal gender and provides them with a new birth certificate. There are a number of restrictions and requirements on the issuing of a full GRC, including that the trans person by not

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Court Information for Trans Parents

Prepared by Terry Reed OBE, JP, BA (Hons), MCSP, SRP, GradDipPhys New Guidance Issued 7th August, 2015 In specified circumstances, section 22(4) of the Gender Recognition Act 2004 permits the disclosure of what would otherwise be “protected information” about an individual who has applied for a Gender Recognition Certificate. The effect of section 22(4)(e) is

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Pension Substitution Rules and Trans People

Warning The transition arrangements into the new pension system and the introduction of civil partnerships means that trans people born before 6th April 1950 need to think seriously before replacing a marriage annulled under the provisions of the Gender Recognition Act. As will be seen below there is a grave risk of the former spouse

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State Pensions and Trans People

Claims Processes All State Pension claims and reported change of circumstances from trans and Gender Recognition customers are handled by specific teams within the Pensions, Carers and Disability Service (PDCS). There is a single point of contact within PDCS for receipt and retention of all State Pension correspondence from trans people. Any correspondence, whether it

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