Archived Information for Educators

Regional Study of Homophobia & Transphobia in South Yorkshire (2011) Eleanor Formby has produced a paper taking an in-depth look at transphobia and homophobia in settings supporting young people (schools and youth work) in South Yorkshire. The paper has some potentially useful insights and implications for national practice and/or future research. Full Report: Tackling Homophobia and

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Guidance on Combating Transphobic Bullying in Schools

Version 2.2.1 (28th February 2010) Complete Toolkit Toolkit: Guidance on Combating Transphobic Bullying in Schools (PDF, 2.1MB) Executive Summary During the past decade, transgender issues have become a major component of diversity programmes throughout the public service sector[1]. Their present prominence results from continuing rapid growth in the number of transgender people who reveal their gender

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