The EHRC is not fit for purpose

GIRES, Stonewall, Good Law Project and 20+ major LGBTQ+ organisations unite to spark international review of UK’s human rights body. Recent devastating public statements from the Equality and Human Rights Commission (EHRC) are not just a betrayal of LGBTQ+ people and a specific attack on trans people. They fundamentally undermine their core purpose of regulating,

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The Gender Inclusion Network

This release is distributed by Trans media Watch on behalf of the Gender Inclusion Network The Gender Inclusion Network (GIN), a major new global movement, dedicated to countering anti-trans propaganda at home and abroad, and spear-headed by academics in UK universities, was launched this week by Professor Sally Hines, Chair of Sociology at the University

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Ban Conversion Therapy

New research into harm caused by gender identity conversion therapy Conversion therapy includes medical, psychiatric, psychological, religious, cultural or any other interventions that seek to erase, repress or change the sexual orientation and/or gender identity of a person. New research, overseen by an independent research monitor, has revealed that gender diverse people – normally children

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TPATH 2021 Conference

  TPATH 2021 Conference: Converging Crises: Transgender Health and Activism in 2021 July 31st to August 1st 2021 Trans communities around the globe are affected by the convergent crises of politically motivated attacks, rollbacks of civil and human rights, neglectful and abusive healthcare systems, police and state-sanctioned violence, and the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. But we

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GIRES endorses definition of transphobia

GIRES has signed up to the following unified definition of transphobia: The core value underlying all transphobia is a rejection of trans identity and a refusal to acknowledge that it could possibly be real or valid. Transphobia has no single, simple manifestation. Rather, it is enacted through a complex array of ever-shifting behaviours and arguments

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