GIRES Research Award for 2003
See the GIRES Annual Research Awards page to read about the awards and the criteria used by the GIRES trustees in evaluating entries for the annual award.
Awarded to Two Distinguished Members of HBIGDA.
GIRES awarded its research prize for 2003 to Professor dr Peggy T Cohen-Kettenis, of the Amsterdam Free University, and Professor dr Friedemann Pfafflin of Ulm University. The work they submitted was their jointly authored book: “Transgenderism and Intersexuality in Childhood and Adolescence – Making Choices”.
The award was made at the Symposium arranged in Ghent by the Harry Benjamin International Gender Dysphoria Association. Both authors are distinguished members of this Association.
Their book describes research, clinical insights and ethical dilemmas in clear terms. Hence, it provides valuable guidance for the clinicians and parents helping children and adolescents affected by gender identity and intersex issues.
GIRES commends the book which is published by SAGE Publications:
ISBN 07-619-1710-1 (Cloth) 0-7619-1711-X (Paper).