GIRES Annual Research Awards

GIRES Annual Research Award (Recognition of gender identity and intersex research)

GIRES wishes to stimulate and give recognition to research undertaken into gender identity and intersex issues. For this research to have a worthwhile educative effect it must be published via at least one of the communication media or presented at a prestigious conference. The medium in which it appears must be influential within the groups that can significantly affect the way society, especially in Britain, treats those affected by gender identity and intersex conditions.

GIRES will therefore award a monetary prize each year for the most influential research which has been printed, broadcast or presented. Entries for the award should be made by those who undertook the research. Permission for the award to be made to them should, whenever necessary, be obtained from the institution for which they work.

The amount to be awarded is usually £500. Recipients of the award will also receive an illuminated certificate describing their achievement. Presentation of the award will achieve substantial recognition for its recipient. GIRES will initiate publicity for the award. Wherever feasible, the research will be featured in GIRES’ annual report to its varied membership and the presentation of the award will form part of GIRES’ annual general meeting.

Criteria for the awards

The criteria for evaluating entries are shown below. Entries should be accompanied by the researchers’ own assessments of how well they have met the criteria.

Main criteria

  1. The subject researched should be highly significant for those directly affected by gender identity and intersex issues; it may relate to any medical, social, legal, legislative or other aspect of these issues.
  2. The medium in which the research data has appeared should be highly influential among those who can significantly improve the way society, especially in Britain, treats those affected; thus it might be a prestigious professional journal, a large circulation national newspaper, a popular broadcast or a presentation at a prestigious conference.
  3. The article, broadcast or presentation describing the research should contain readily understood explicit or implicit recommendations which are highly likely to improve the treatment of those affected.

The adjudication of material submitted for consideration will be carried out by GIRES’ trustees. They will, as necessary, seek the advice of appropriate persons in the academic and media fields. If no article adequately meets the above criteria, the award will be withheld and offered again in the following year.

Address for submissions: GIRES, Melverley, The Warren, Ashtead, Surrey, KT21 2SP