UK 18-35 LGBTQ*COVID-19 & LOCKDOWN Experiences Survey

I’m reaching out to you with news of a new research survey that we’re running: the UK 18-35 year olds LGBTQ* COVID-19 & LOCKDOWN Experiences Survey. And we’d very much appreciate for anyone within this age range who can take part in the survey.

I’m really keen to make this a big UK wide survey (open to anyone living in the UK at the moment) and not just limited by outreach in a central London bubble!

I’ve just done an interview giving info on the project for Birkbeck University of London public relations team – you can access this here

Thank you in advance for considering this survey. If you’d like more material, please do let me know and we can send out further info to you.

With best wishes to you in getting through these challenging times, Fiona.

Dr. Fiona Tasker
Reader in Psychology
Dept of Psychological Sciences
Birkbeck University of London
Malet St
London WC1E 7HX
United Kingdom


preferred pronouns: she her hers

Black Lives Matter

LGBTQ* UK COVID-19 Lockdown 18-35 Experiences Online Survey
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