TRANSforming Futures Evaluation Report 2024

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TRANSforming Futures was a project managed by Stonewall and LGBT Consortium, in partnership with Be:North, CliniQ, Galop, Gendered Intelligence, GIRES, Mermaids, Sparkle, and UK Black Pride.

The project ran for six years as a trans-led programme aiming to support trans-led organisations, groups or projects to benefit trans people in England.

As an initial step, research reports set out evidence around three priority areas and the programme then provided funding and other support to a wide range of related activities operating at a range of scales and scopes.

The project was funded by the National Lottery Community Fund.

The evaluation report was written by Simon Shaw (he/him), a freelance consultant specialising in evaluation and learning, programme management and influencing policy and practice.

Download the full report

This film was commissioned by TRANSforming Futures.