Supporting the Families of Adults Experiencing Gender Discomfort
The Gender Identity Research and Education (GIRES) provides information and support for families in which an adult member experiences gender variance.Other organisations that do so are listed in the GIRES directory of trans support groups, which is linked to its Home Page (TranzWiki).
It has directly helped hundreds of families by means of telephone, e-mail contact and workshops. It includes a workshop for families in its annual meetings, that enables them to meet others with relevant experience. It works closely with Mermaids to support families in which the gender variant person is aged 19 or less.
GIRES believes that the information in the following article would be helpful to families dealing with these issues and to the organisations that wish to support them. They may also find it helpful to refer to the e-learning resources that are linked to the GIRES Home Page.
This document provides guidance to be used when families have an adult member whose gender identity is not aligned with the sex that was registered on their birth certificate.
Document: Supporting the Families of Adults Experiencing Gender Discomfort (PDF, 131KB).