Review of adult gender clinics: NHS engagement survey
As part of this review, the review team would like to understand the views and experiences of patients who have attended NHS adult gender clinics in the past 5 years, the family, friends or carers of patients and staff who have worked in the gender clinics in the past 5 years.
GIRES Comments on the Survey
We would encourage you to complete the survey; however, we acknowledge that some of the language in the survey questions around detransition and regret – which we know are rare – has been included to appease people who are campaigning to make it harder for trans people of all ages to transition medically.
We do not see the need to have included family members or friends in the list of people asked to complete the survey, and there should have been a clear distinction between the views of family and friends who are supportive and those who are not when completing the survey. We would therefore ask that you encourage your supportive family and friends to complete the survey to help ensure that the data collected can not be used to restrict access to healthcare based on the views of people who are not supportive.