Interviews for BBC Programme on Self-Medicating

Mike Cowan, a reporter for the BBC Victoria Derbyshire Programme, wishes to interview gender diverse people who have self-medicated.

GIRES has discussed with Mike Cowan the negative impact of the currently long waiting time for a first appointment at a specialised NHS gender identity clinic, reported to be two years. GIRES has informed him that the certain harm of waiting may be far greater than the potential harm of self-medicating.

We have also referred him to the advice regarding bridging prescriptions as a “harm reduction” measure published by the Royal College of Psychiatrists (in the Good Practice Guidelines) [1] and by the General Medical Council (GMC) [2].

However, the Royal College of GPs is resisting that advice and relying on the GMC’s ethical guidance that GPs must recognise and work within the limits of their competence. Nonetheless, ample information about hormone medication is available from reputable sources [3]. Moreover, we hear of GPs who are already providing bridging prescriptions.

Mike Cowan may be contacted at:

Mobile: 07841 526 619

Landline: 0203 614 3111

Twitter: @mrmikecowan




