GIRES Joins LGBT+ Charities demand to the BBC

BBC Complaint

GIRES & LGBT+ Charities demand that the BBC reinstate trans-support charities onto its Action Line


The decision to remove GIRES Mermaids, and the Gender Trust, (together, “the Charities”) from the gender identity page follows a concerted and orchestrated campaign of misinformation around transgender lives and those organisations working to support them. The BBC has effectively removed all transgender-specific charities supporting gender-diverse people in England, Wales and Scotland at the very moment we are most needed. This is a deeply concerning decision, particularly in light of increased misinformation and debate around trans people’s lives, which is being reflected in our national media. We are seeing continued efforts from a small but motivated group of people to discredit legitimate organisations working in the field of supporting trans people.

In the letter which, has been sent to the BBC Editorial Policy Department, all 10 charities state that we speak in one voice, as charities which have been removed from the now defunct ‘Information and Support: Gender Identity’ page, as well as charities which have remained or been added to the new ‘LGBT Issues’ page. We also include other LGBTQ+ organisations concerned by the matters raised by this letter.

Those wishing to add their voice to this complaint can do so here

Letter _ BBC _ Action Line _ 29072020 PDF (370KB)


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