- Allies of trans and gender diverse people
- Families of trans and gender diverse people
- Trans and gender diverse Parents
- Gender diverse young people aged 18-25
- Adult Non Binary
- Parents of trans and gender diverse people
- Partners of trans and gender diverse people
- Disabled trans and gender diverse people
- Learning disabled trans and gender diverse people
- Trans and gender diverse men
- Trans and gender diverse women
- Variations in Sex Characteristics
- Channel Islands
- Activism
- Advocacy
- Caring
- Counselling
- Domestic Violence
- Employment
- Religion / Faith
- Hate Crime/Justice System
- Health
- Housing / homeless support
- International/Immigrants
- Training
Liberate is a Guernsey registered charity established in 2014 to include, inform and support the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Questioning (LGBTQ) communities across the Channel Islands. Find out more about Liberate »