Explaining to children

Four pdf documents are available which can be shown to children to help them understand what is happening to their parents.

For younger children

Your Dad’s Adventure (MtF) (PDF, 60KB)

Your Mum’s Adventure (FtM) (PDF, 60KB)

For teenagers

Your Dad’s Story (MtF) (PDF, 93KB)

Your Mum’s Story (FtM) (PDF, 93KB)

(If these versions don’t suit, please contact GIRES direct and we will try to tailor one to your personal circumstances.)

Other relevent documents

Kids of Trans Resource Guide (PDF, 165KB)

Supporting the Families of Adults Experiencing Gender Discomfort and Transsexualism

Court Information for Trans Parents (PDF, 904KB) Updated March 2020

The Penguin Stories

Three short stories are available which can be shown to young children to help them be re-assured from supporting parents.

Penguin Story Trans Girl (PDF, 2MB) – Sally’s Story

Penguin Story Non-Binary (PDF, 2MB) – Blurs Story

Penguin Story Trans Boy (PDF, 2MB) – Tom’s Story

Webpage Originally Published: 2014-09-01


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